WITH THESE LESSONS (Click inside the graphic and Press Play Arrow Buttom)

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This section concentrates the trigonometic lessons that we have so far in the algebra and geometry sections.

As volunteering project this summer we are using some time to add sections which we hope will constitute a very

robust section for trigonometry. A subject that for many struggling students translates into a barrier for higher education,

and the possibility to become business owners or employees using professional skills.

1.- 30°-60°-90° and 45°-45°-90° Triangles: Dealing with Angles and Sides in Special Right Triangles.
2.- Right Triangle Trigonometry: Right Triangle Ratios of Sine, Cosine and Tangent Applied to Solutions of Problems Involving Segments and Angles.
3.- Laws of Sines and Cosines: Trigonometry Applied to Acute and Obtuse Triangles Using the Laws of Sine and Cosine.
4.- Trigonometry An In Depth Approach to Sine, Cosine, Tangent, Cotangent, Secant and Cosecant: Trigonometry Ratios and Their Graphs and Real World Applications.
5.- Trigonometric Graphing of Functions with an emphasis in parameters. Lesson Graphs Trigonometric Functions Illustrating the Effects of Each Parameter in The Functions f(x)=ASin(Bx-C)+D and  f(x)=ACos(Bx-C)+D  
6.- Trigonometry Identities. Sum and Difference, Double Angle and Half Angle. PROOFS
7.- Trigonometric Equations: Graphic, Analytic or Algebraic, and Numeric Solutions
8.- Graphing Polar Functions: Limacon, Cardioid, Even or odd number of Leaves Rose (odd and even), Leminiscate, etc
9.- Graphing Polar Functions for Conics: Parabola, Ellipse, Hyperbola, and Circle
10.- Learning about angle measurement units: Radians and degrees in coterminal sides using special right triangles 30°- 60°-90° and 45°-45°-90°
11.- Modeling in Trigonometry: Modeling the parameters in a trigonometric equation like sine or cosine using a U-Tube or pipe with a liquid oscillating up and down from one branch to the other without losing energy.
12.- Modeling in Trigonometry: One trigonometry application in electronics-automations easy to understand highlighting the high usability of mathematics.

LONG DURATION DEMO OF HOW TO INTERACT (Several Minutes but worthwhile)


algebra 1 and 2
Formal Proofs for Geometry
Basic Math
Practice for Geometry: Quizzes